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「青少年職場初探」 - 現身說法系列活動報導 
  Initial Career Exploration for Youth Program

「沐嵐暢談之迴響」 ─ 孩子們的話

李建誼 Andrew Lee (8 yrs 歲)
How can you find so much time to do so many things?
If you're really interested, you will find time.

岳東甫 Jeremy Yue (G10):
Since you wrote so many love songs, just wondering do you have a boyfriend as of now?


She used to have a relationship two and half years ago, and she was really into it.  But she quickly realized if you're not ready for it, it won't be as perfect as you would imagine.  You can be happy if you're independent, you don't need someone to have fun with you.  But it would be a lot nice =).  Also, she cannot describe what she looks for, like long hair, brown eyes, etc. but love just happens. I was very satisfied with her response.  Thank you, teacher, for organizing this event, I really enjoyed this experience.

王千玲 Betty Wang(G11) : 
Not only is Moulann a talented singer, she is amazing at the piano, write her own songs and designs cute t-shirts. The evening started off with nine songs performed by Moulann and then the event was moved up to a private room where Ms. Chang was asked some  questions regarding her songs, her career, her personal like and so on. Such questions included , "Do you currently have a boyfriend?" Everybody has a great laugh at that.  I decided to ask Moulann, "What inspires you?" She told me that she gets inspiration and ideas for her songs from her own experiences or experiences of others. She either writes her songs from her heart or tries to imagine how others are feeling. She finds song writing is a way for her to release anything that is built up inside of her, positive or negative. I found her very inspiring, and a very genuine girl. 她是一位很有才華的女孩,二十二歲就會唱歌,寫歌,彈琴也出了兩片唱片。聽完她表演九首歌以後,大家就到樓上參加一個訪問會。 除了 Diana 問她問題還有別的人問她。 還有人問沐嵐她現在有沒有男朋友呢! 我問她什麼東西會起發她寫歌,她回答說有時候是她自己的經驗或別人的。 她也會從別人的感覺去寫歌。 沐嵐也說她唱跟寫歌時可以發洩她的情緒。我覺得她很特別也很喜歡她。


這一次知道了沐嵐我對她影響很好。她那麼的會唱歌又可以把一件乏味的 T-shirt變成那麼可愛又不一樣。我真的很佩服。剛開始我抱怨說這件衣服太大了,是XL的。沐嵐在旁邊就馬上問我有沒有剪刀。我們就跑上樓找了一把,她就開始剪。不過十分鐘,她剪出一件很特別的上衣。我在旁邊很驚訝的說謝謝,把衣服穿上。大家都讚美那件,我也就跟他們講是沐嵐的傑作。我學到一個新方法來做衣服,也對沐嵐有好感。我知道她可以把任何事情看成好的,把它改變成好的。這是一個很好的態度要學習。

于化晨 Alex Yu (Gr 11)
Q:Do you have any religious believe?   
A:I don’t have a specific religious believe, but I believe in myself. I also believe there is something like “What you did to others it would eventually come back to you.”  我沒有特別的宗教信仰,但我相信一切事物和我個人信仰,我也相信因果關係的存在。  

Q:How do you appreciate for being Chinese?   
A:Have the responsibility to let others know you and to be proud of being a Chinese.   
A:會,當然會 ! 而且我覺得我們有責任去讓「別人」知道我們,而且應該以當中國人為榮。  

Q:How do you keep your family relationship?   
A:Parents are always right. 父母永遠是對的   
Understand and respect parents 了解和尊重父母   
Put yourself on parent’s shoes. 設身處地為父母著想  

Q:How do you deal with your downhill time?   
A:There are few different steps 有不同的方法面對低潮情緒:   
1) Slow down yourself, and understand your situation
2) Understand your life goal, and try to accomplish it.
3) Just do it and live your life.   

Q:What are your feelings during your performance?   
A:Feel happy when people respect you.

Q:How do you sing so well?   
A:You have to practice and work hard on it.   
Make sure you are singing with your heart   
Always try to expose yourself after you have many performance experiences.   

Q:People say artist dream is colorful. Do you think your dream is colorful or simply white and black?   
A:I would say my dream is filling with bright color, and simply is not white and black. (Smile)   

Q:Do you have any advice for young age children?   
A:I would say understand your role, challenge yourself and always be happy.   

于化璇 Mili Yu (G6): 
我喜歡沐嵐的歌, 她可以自己作詞作曲,特別的是,她的歌都是發自內心。她是素食主義者,她喜愛大自然,保護小動物,希望大家都可以關心大自然。

I like Moulann’s music, she could create her own lyrics and compose songs of her own. The special thing is that every song of hers is from her heart. Moulann is a vegetarian, she likes the big outdoors, and protect the animals. I hope everyone care about Mother Nature.

劉韋伶 Annie Liu (Gr 11):

當你把音樂看為未來的目標時,家人有沒有反對或有什麼看法呢 ?
沐嵐當初開始唱歌的時候, 接觸到一些很奇怪的人。有一次, 有個男人想要親她。自從那一次以後, 家人就不再讓她唱歌,因為覺得太危險了。幾年前, 家人對音樂的看法一直有種負面的想法, 一直到最近-去年才接受,因為沐嵐也成熟了。沐嵐的父母不像其他的中國傳統父母,他們沒有要求她未來要當什麼職業。只要沐嵐喜歡, 她什麼都可以做。
The question for Mulann When you start music as a career or a direction for the future, what was your family’s opinion? Did they try to oppose it? When Mulann first started to sing, she met many different people who were “strange”. There was this time, this man tried to kiss her! After that incident, her family opposes her singing, because there are people who wanted to take advantage and manipulate her, it was just dangerous. Over these few years, Mulann’s parents’ perspective to music isn’t very positive, until recently, last year that they actually accepted, and agreed to let her sing again. Her parents’ are not traditional Chinese parents; she can do anything as long as it makes her happy.

黃文姍 Marisa Huang (Gr 8):


還唱歌很好聽。她寫的歌都是英文的﹐但是她在演唱會中唱了兩首中文歌﹕一個是她的好朋友寫的﹐歌名叫做 『靜』,另一個是張惠妹的 『原來你甚麼都不想要』。 可見得她中英文的歌都唱的很好。演唱會後還舉辦了[面對沐嵐的會議],會中許多人問了許多問題,她也一一回答,表現了她親切的一面。在會談中她常常提到對媽媽的感激,讓觀眾都不由的想起自己的父母是多麼的愛護小孩。當然也有人問到她成為歌手的過程,說到有一次她有個很好的機會可以成為某大公司的新團體的歌手,但是她因為理念的不同而放棄了,她可以為了自己的理想而堅持的精神,確實讓我們敬佩。離開時大家都覺得今間來看[沐嵐個人演唱會],真是難忘的一天。.
On the night of July 12th, 2003, there was a Moulann concert in Metro Square.  Moulann is a very talented person, even though she is still a student, she writes her own songs, both music and lyrics, and she also sings very well.  She writes English songs, but that night, she sang two Chinese songs: one written by her good friend, the song was called “Zing”, and the other one was a song by A-Mei, which was called “Yuan Lai Ne She Me Dou Bu Xiang Yao.”  From this we can tell that she sings great in both English and Chinese.  After the concert, there was a Q and A session, where many asked questions and she answered each of them, showing her compassionate side.  In the duration of the Q and A session, she often mentions her mother, and how she is thankful to have such a nice and caring mother, which makes the audience all think of their own parents and also become thankful.  There were also questions about her journey in this career, and one story she had was of a time when she could have become a member of a singing group under a very popular record company, but she refused when she found out that they were going to force her to be someone who she is not.  Her willingness to stand up for herself gained even more of our respect of her.  When everyone left that night, only one thought was in their minds: “This is a night that won’t be wiped from my memories.”

黃安慈 Angie Hwang (Gr 6):


I think that Moulann is a very good idol. She has a fantastic voice and along with her piano skills, they sound so well together. Not only that but Moulann’s background story is very unimaginable as well. I think Moulann’s most heroic part in her is that she is not care about racism and she is very proud to be a Chinese.

簡啟雯 Amanda Giang ( Gr 8) : 

Q: How do you think your life would differ if you weren’t Chinese? And secondly, how do you think your career would be different if you were a guy?
如果你不是中國人, 你覺得你的生活會不同嗎? 然後,如果你是一個男人,你的職業生涯會不同嗎?
A: She thought that her love songs wouldn’t be as sad because guys just don’t feel the same way girls do. A lot of guys aren’t as sensitive as girls are. Addressing the Chinese issue, she said that when she was younger she really wanted to be white. In high school, she was happy being Chinese, with ‘asian pride’, but now, she has true pride in being Chinese. 

寇先承 Macgyver Kou (Gr 8):

Q: How do you feel about being a Chinese singer while you sing English songs? 作為一個中國歌星唱英文歌,你有什麼感覺?
A: I was raised in Canada since 2 years old that’s why I am mainly Canadian so I speak and sing English. 我兩歲就來加拿大,所以我等於就是加拿大人也就說英文唱英文歌。

忻至安 Jessica Zan (Gr 6):

Q:Would you rather be a solo artist or in a group? 

A:Would not care if I was a solo or in a group but I want to make sure that the group doesn’t force me to do anything I don’t want to do.

陳有志 Alice Chen (Gr 8):

沐嵐的演唱會很精彩! 她表演的很不錯,歌聲很美,彈的鋼琴很好聽,寫的歌曲很有味道,真是一個有很多優點的人。我最喜歡的歌是叫:靜 因為這一首歌是用中文寫的,給人的感覺很感動。
在 interview 的時候發現沐嵐是一位很外向的人,很活潑的人,她讓 interview變更有趣,是一個很愉快的夜晚。

簡啟偉 Wayne Giang (G11): 

What do you consider success? 
Moulann considers doing what one loves success. For her, she wishes to continue writing songs and if she can she considers herself a success. Happiness is also a very important part of success and if there is no happiness in her life she would not consider herself a success. 沐嵐覺得做你喜歡做得事就是成功。她愛做得是就是作曲,寫歌。沐嵐也有說快樂是很重要得。

廖庭君 Emily Liao (Gr.6):



Moulann’s performance was excellent. Her songs made you want to sing along and clap to the beat. She really understands what young kids are going through and explains everything in the view of both kid and parent. 

麻洋銘 Christopher Ma (Gr.8):


The evening was enjoyable, the music was excellent, and hearing her views was very interesting and worthwhile. 

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