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「青少年職場初探」 - 現身說法系列活動報導 
  Initial Career Exploration for Youth Program

資 訊 科 技 生 涯 探 討

Preparing for a Successful Career In Information Technology

時間 Time : 7:30 p.m. August 16, 2003 星期六晚上
地點 Place : 大都會廣場二樓 Metro Square 2nd Floor, 3636 Steeles, Markham主講人 Speaker : Gordon Lee, Senior 主講人 Speaker : Gordon Lee, Senior Manger of IBM Toronto Lab

Interview Gordon Lee 專訪

演 講 綱 要 Abstract


Over the past two decades, individuals who have chosen careers in the computer field have done very well. In fact, according to many employment surveys, the outlook is still quite promising. However, this is a very fast paced environment where brand new technology and skills are quickly obsolete in 3 years with even newer, faster emerging innovations. How do you survive and thrive in such an environment? How do you keep your skills up? How do you know where the future is headed?

Gordon 將在此一講座中探討資訊科技的的未來發展及介紹其多項嶄新的發明。許多目前尚在研發的項目,將在今天高中生大學畢業就業時面世。他並將對青少年們解說如何為步入這個每5年就大舉更新的資訊業而準備自己,如何去應對一個涵蓋未知科技的環境, 以及一些確保日後職場成功的要素。

In this talk, Gordon will talk about the future of IT, and some of its more creative innovations. Some of today's newest inventions are expected to be fully in production by the time today's high school students graduate from University and join the work force. He will also give some advice on how to prepare for a career in IT - especially when so much can and will change every 5 years... how do you prepare for an environment that includes technology that hasn't even been invented yet! What are some of the things you need to do to ensure success in the workplace of the future?

Gordon Lee 成長於多倫多,1982 年畢業於多倫多大學工程系,在 IBM 擔任多項職務並完成其MBA碩士學位。1995年離開IBM,擔任 Northern Telecom的資訊產品部門高級主管。1998年回到IBM任電子商務部門主管。Gordon Lee 對下一代的各項教育活動均熱衷參與。

Gordon Lee was brought up and educated in Toronto. He graduated from the University of Toronto with an Engineering degree in 1982. He joined IBM in a variety of jobs, and completed his MBA on a part time basis. In 1995, Gordon left IBM to join Northern Telecom as a Senior Manager of Information Products. In 1998, Gordon was lured back to IBM to head up an e-commerce consulting team. He has a passionate interest in activities where he can make a difference for the "next generation".

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