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「青少年職場初探」 - 現身說法系列活動報導 
  Initial Career Exploration for Youth Program

警員生涯面面觀 :安大略省警總之旅

Touch of Police Career : OPP Tour and Q & A Workshop 

黃文姍 Marisa Huang (Gr 8):

在二零零三年的七月二十二日早晨,在大都會的大門聚集了六十九個人,為的是要去參觀安大略省的警察總署。  大家都穿著 『我愛多倫多』的T恤,讓我們能夠分別誰是跟自己同一個團體。  從大都會到警察局的車程大約是一個半小時。  當大家坐車坐得很累時,就到達我們的目的地。

在警察局的大門前站著三位警官:張雙智、張雙勇、和Sonia歡迎我們。  我們先到觀眾席去,我們分成三組﹕A、B、和C。  A組跟著Sonia,開起了問答會。  有人問 Sonia 她覺得在工作上最有趣的事是什麼,她回答說:每個人覺得有興趣的事都不一樣,而且她的工作也不是像電視裡的警察一樣,但她覺得去幫小孩子對她來講是最有趣,說著說著,讓她想到有一次她幫一位迷路的小孩找到她的家人的故事。  Sonia 還告訴我們一些有關當警察的事情,比如一些我們年紀可以參加的活動;她當警察的過程…等等。在十點四十五分時,警政主管 Boniface 來跟我們說話。 她是安大略省的第一位女性最高警政主管,要管七千位警員及一萬平方公里區域的事。  同樣的也有人問她覺得在她的經驗中最有趣的事是什麼,她回答說: 有一陣子,我是當原住民地區的管理者,那段我接近原住民的時間是我覺得最有趣的。老師安排了三個感謝牌,一個給主管 Boniface,一個給警官張雙智,一個給警官張雙勇。  當時,我們把要給主管 Boniface的感謝牌獻給她。  感謝牌上寫著中文字:謝謝。  大家一起大聲說“謝謝”,她也一起跟我們學著說“謝謝”。  Diana 跟她解釋說:「謝」裡的言部是用嘴巴說謝謝,「謝」裡的身是用身體說謝謝,寸的意思是身體彎一寸,謝謝要用口也要用身體。  然後我們就分成三組去參觀警察局。  我們的組先到的是聯絡廳,我學到當有人打電話來時,馬上就能知道是哪裡打來的,也可以知道那裡的位置、電話、等等的消息。  在那裡我們必須要很小聲,因為那裡的麥克風很敏感可以聽得到很小的聲音。 接著我們就到了警察局的餐廳吃午飯﹕一個三明治,一瓶礦泉水,和一包餅乾。  吃完午飯後,我們到了他們練習射擊的場所,警官解說有關每年警察到此參加射擊測驗的種種… 我們都聽得入神。之後,我們進入真正射擊的地方,有一位警員真槍實彈的試範給我們看,因為槍聲很大,所以我們必須在另一個房間觀看。下一站我們去參觀倉庫,裡面有警車、摩托車和警船,警員也很詳細的一一解說每種交通工具的用處。在直昇機區,我們得知直昇機的兩大功用: [尋找失蹤人口]和[偵察毒品]。博物館裡陳列了許多歷屆警察的裝備和事跡,使我們大開眼界。 


On the morning of July twenty second, 2003, sixty nine people gathered at the entrance of Metro Square, because they all want to go to the Ontario Provincial Police station.  Everyone wore a “I Love Toronto” t-shirt, for easy identification. From Metro Square to the police station is about a half and hour’s drive.  When everyone was very tired, we arrived. 

At the doors of the police station stood three officers: Dominic , Edward, and Sonia, who welcomed us. We went first to the auditorium, and split into three groups: A, B, and C. A group followed Sonia, and started a Q and A session.  Some people asked Sonia what she thought was the most interesting thing in her work.  She answered, “Everyone has a different definition of exciting, and our work is also very different from what you see on TV, but my personal exciting time I had in this job was when I brought a lost kid home…”Sonia also told us about her job, and how people our age can get involved.  At ten forty-five, Commissioner Boniface came to talk to us.  She is the first female to be commissioner in Ontario; she takes care of seven thousand police, and 10,000 km area.  She was also asked the question of what she found most exciting at work, and she replied, “I find the time that I spent with the First Nations the most exciting part of my work.” Emily took the time to order three thank you plaques, one for Commissioner Boniface, one for Dominic, and one for Edward. That time, we presented to Boniface her plaque, and on that plaque, there were two Chinese characters, meaning thank you.  Everyone said the words thank you in Chinese and Boniface also tried to follow. Diana told Boniface that the word thank you in Chinese symbolizes a mouth, a body and an inch, which means we shall say thank you with our mouths, and our bodies, bowing an inch. Then we split up into our groups to look around.  The fist place we went was the communications center, I learned that whenever a call is taken in, they can immediately trace the phone number and location of the call.  We had to be very quiet there because the microphones were very sensitive.  Then we went to the cafeteria for lunch which was a sandwich, bottled water, and cookies. After lunch we went to the firing range, where the officer told us of how every year each police member must go there and be tested.  We all listened carefully.  After that, we went into the actual shooting area, where an officer actually demonstrated with many different guns.  We were in a different room because of the noise that the guns make. Next we went to the garage, there were police cars, motorcycles, and even boats. The officer told us in detail what each automotive was used for. At the heliport we learned the two main uses of the helicopter: to search for lost people and to detect illegal drugs.  There were many things in the museum about things that happened and also equipment of an officer, in which we were all amused. 

Lastly, we presented presents to the officers to show our appreciation, and then everyone entered the bus, finishing a memorable day.

王千鴻 David Wang (G8):


安省警備總署的建築物非常龐大前面也有綠色的草絣  門口有三個警官來帶我們參觀內部安有史以來第一位女性最高警政主管來幫我們致詞之後就分組去參觀。


那兒也有許多高科技的電腦設備,後來我們去警局餐廳吃飯 每個人分配到一個簡單的飯盒。 


接下來我們去看警局車庫,有一些還未上漆和機械裝備,最後就是看警局博物館陳列很多歷史資料 跟一般博物館不同。


陳則江 Phillip Chen (Gr 6):

Q: What if someone phoned the police but didn’t tell them his address how does the police locate the person who called?萬一有人打電話給警察,但是那個人沒告訴警察他在在哪裡,警察要怎麼知道呢?

A: When the person calls, his information will immediately appear on the computer screen including his address.  The police then types in his/her address into another computer which will show a zoomed-in map of the person’s house.當他打電話給警察時,電腦會電話從哪裡打來,當警察叔叔把地址打進電腦時,螢幕上會出現地圖,顯示打電話的末在哪裡。

Q: Do all police forces use firearms, and capture criminals?

A: No, actually only a small portion of the OPP actually uses guns and capture outlaws.  Some of the policemen take care of the traffic, some are security guards, some go to elementary schools to teach children about laws and crime, etc.
不,其實警察很少用槍。 他們是分成很多組的 有些是專門管制交通的,有些是安全人員,有些是專門去學校教小學生不要犯罪…等等。

Q: What do the policemen usually have for lunch?

A: They usually eat sandwiches with tuna or salmon in the middle, cookies, and cold water.

Q: What type of transportation tools do they use?

A: The O.P.P uses the helicopter, car, motorcycles, and vans.  In the province of Ontario, there is two helicopters, thirty thousand cars, ten thousand motorcycles.
警察們是用直升機,警車,摩托車,還有大型汽車。 在諳大略審,只有兩架直升機,有三萬汽車,一萬摩托車。

麻洋銘 Christopher Ma (Gr 8):

The tour was amazing. It was exciting to see who they are, what it takes, and how, the people that protect us, do so . This enlightening trip opened my eyes to how exciting and rewarding it would be “Protect and Serve” Ontario. 

這是個令人難忘的參觀。讓我了解真的警察怎麼保護我們。這個經驗打開了我的眼睛,讓我了解「to Protect and Serve」安大略省是多麼的值得。

簡啟雯 Amanda Giang ( Gr 8) : 

Q : What's the nature of the relationship between the OPP and regional police forces?OPP 和地方警察什麼關係? 
A: The OPP works closely with the police forces of individual regions, and assistance is given both ways.

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